A Musical Fusion: Africa and the West
A Spring Concert by The Michael Teolis Singers
“A Musical Fusion: Africa and the West,” will feature compositions written by black composers of the western hemisphere. Included on the program are composers R. Nathanial Dett (Canada), Sydney Guillaume (Haiti), Andrew Marshall (Jamaica), Alfredo Mejia Navarro (Columbia), Electo Silva (Cuba), and Jose Mauricio Nunes Garcia (Brazil). Composers from the United States will include Margaret Bonds, William Grant Still, Scott Joplin, Lena McLin, and Adolphus Hailstork, among others.
Saturday, May 2, 2015 7:30PM
First United Methodist Church of Oak Park
324 N. Oak Park Ave.
Oak Park, IL 60302
First United Methodist Church of Oak Park
324 N. Oak Park Ave.
Oak Park, IL 60302